Exploring Chinese-American culture starts here.

Register soon! Early Bird discount ends on March 26, .



Get started today and join our community of Chinese-American youth.

Signing up is easy. Sign up through the registration form below.

Not ready to register? Learn more about NECYSC.


Submit Payment and Forms

In the registration form, parents must submit payment for camp and required medical forms. Only ACH payments are accepted (lower fees for NECYSC).

We offer an Early Bird discount if you register and submit payment before the date listed below.

We offer financial aid to campers based on demonstrated need. See the financial aid section for more information.

Parents of Overnight and ExplorAsian campers are required to perform one POD shift per camper. Parents may opt-out of POD participation by submitting a waiver fee of $300.00 per camper.

Below are a list of forms you should prepare before starting the registration form. Please fill out these forms PRIOR to registering for camp. You will be asked to upload these forms during the registration process.

  • Camper's Annual Physical (scanned as a single file). See our FAQ if your physical is not within the past year.
  • CORI and SORI (uploaded as two distinct files). Please see note below to determine if you need to submit this.
  • Copy of photo ID like driver's license or passport. Please see note below to determine if you need to submit this.
  • Background Check Form (upload as single file). Only Youth Staff need to submit.
  • Prepare your payment method (ACH only).

Please note that only parents physically participating in the POD program, all parent volunteers (e.g. Farm Trip chaperones), all Committee Members, and all Youth Staff need to submit CORI and SORI forms and a valid form of ID.


Prepare for Camp Week

Read our FAQ section for answers to your most frequent questions for camp week.

For application updates, please check your email and add registration@necysc.org as a trusted sender.

Our camp week packing list if added in the FAQ section along with other relevant resources.

At least one parent of each camper family must participate in the POD program during camp week. If this is not possible, an additional waiver fee may be added instead.

Upcoming Dates

Early Bird Discount Close

Mar 26,

Overnight/EA Registration Close

Jun 15,

Day Registration Close

Jun 30,

Camp Week!


  • Janurary
  • February
  • March
  • June
  • July
  • August


Early January - CIT, OPs, RA, Counselors application begins


End of February - All staff applications due

Mid-February- Camper (Day/ON/EA) registration begins + Early Bird discount


Mid-March- Camper (Day/ON/EA) Early Bird discount ends


Mid-June - Overnight and EA camper registration due

End of June - Day camper registration due


Mid-July - Final Camp information package email to accepted campers

End Of July - Overnight and ExplorAsian camper check-in

End of July - Day camper check-in


Begining of August - Day camper program ends

Begining of August - Overnight and ExplorAsian camper program ends

Financial Aid

We try our best to make our programs affordable for everyone. Financial Aid is available and is based solely on need. Families who qualify are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. It is essential that you provide support document to demonstrate your need. Our goal is to offer an opportunity to families who may otherwise not be able to afford the program to share our camp experience.

The Financial Aid application is strictly confidential. Financial Aid is a separate process from program acceptance and is awarded after program acceptance. Please complete both the Camper/CIT program application form (indicating that you are applying for Financial Aid) and the Financial Aid application form. Please also note that it is required that you send in a 50% deposit with your financial application.

Our data is based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines, which are released each year.

Please email the following documents to registration@necysc.org.

Required documents for verification of income with rest of registration forms (Submit at Time of Registration or Before May 1, ):

  • Financial Aid Application Form
  • family tax return copy (IRS 1040 form)
  • Exemption approval of the School Lunch Program, or other relevant documents
  • Cover letter explaining your situation.